gratitude wall

  • I am grateful to have a brother - Happy Birthday Dave!
  • Another 3 consecutive days - migraine free! And to add, I'm continuing to taper off the meds and I'm feeling great!
  • To find a great doctor to treat my husband. And even better, this doctor offered pain relief for the first day in over two months (of trial and error, dr. upon dr.). Such pain relief that today my husband gifted me with a 'true' smile. Thank you doctor.
  • Family gatherings and family acceptance. No family is perfect - no need to be. I am thankful to have family to cherish and to be cherished by.
  • Appreciate Good Friends and am grateful to have them in my life. Good friends are the ones that are with you in good and sad, and always up for a laugh. Good, good Friends are hard to find and easy to hold tight to when you need them...and even easier to help whenever they're in need. 
  • Feeling great to be on day 3 - migraine-free!
  • So lucky for such a sunny, warm day in La March.