Today I'm dedicating this post to grace; to being grateful. By thinking thanks you not only ease stress and by default, enter a state of optimism, but also glow thanks. It's true. Thankful people look different. They smile more, walk taller, and glow. Keep watch for this. And the more conscious a person is about this phenomenon, the more potential they have to glow. And that's just thinking thanks.
By being thanks you run your life. You are the leader. Being grateful means sharing grace. And sharing grace is to truly understand thanks and live it. Let yourself feel thankful and let others know when you do. Being thanks is thinking thanks to the fullest. Reflect upon actions, happenings, events. How did someone else impact you, your day, your time? It is amazing what you'll find.
Being thanks is to truly glow. To shine. To sparkle with presence, optimism, and grace. Being thanks means carrying yourself differently in a world lived differently. It is a life of peace. Being thanks simplifies the world into a society of ease, of nice, of beautiful. *Simple*, small alteration have the potential to change your life. Be thanks today. Share your grace. Glow.