Once again, we are faced with a challenge that is 100% out of our control. Mother Nature shook the world (or at least Mexico and San Diego), and She does what She wants to do. We have no control, no say, no timing, nothing to do with Mother Nature's behaviors.
What 'shook' me far more than THE earthquake, as it has been unanimously labeled, was everyone's gossip reaction....WEEK LONG reaction. Puzzling?! There are no decisions to be made over THE earthquake, definitely no reason to hike up any existing anxiety, nor cause unnecessary anxiety. Of course appropriate 'check-ups' on family and friends near the quake's range or fault line is not the 'chatter' being focused on here. When subject talk overflows into every conversation, everywhere, all that comes about is anxiety....should I too be worrying about the earthquake? Yikes, THE earthquake?!!!! Suddenly we have created a society encompassed in the drama, the necessity of fear for the situation, and self-developed anxiety. Why such emotional chaos?
I acknowledge that for many, fear was their natural reaction during the shaking, and rightfully so in that case - especially for those not native to San Diego. But why cause fear in those not nerved by the quake? I loved the earthquake. I was resting and absolutely fell in love with the shaking. Despite the banging of my shower door, I was completely lost in Mother Nature's power. There was plenty I could have been anxious about, but I choose to enjoy...to relax, to absorb the moment (or what seemed like minutes) and enjoy the tranquility of the shake.
I have learned an immense amount about myself this week. I am proud that I was able to 'be'...to truly be during THE earthquake. To me, it wasn't THE earthquake, but rather, an earthquake - a change to a Sunday afternoon. I learned that my healing has come a long way - from a chronic nervous wreck with a total loss of trust in the world, to a worry-free gal in a time which caused most and unlimited amount of fear. I also learned that subconsciously I have the power to decide what energy I want to spread. I chose to say a blessing for anyone suffering from the earthquake, but not to join in creating THE earthquake madness.
Mother Nature does as she pleases to teach us lessons. We can not determine what will happen next or when it will happen or what is in stock for us to learn. But for this week, for me, it was a lesson of trust. Trusting myself in an atypical situation. And an opportunity for optimism - a chance to enjoy the serenity Mother Earth has offered.
Good for you!!!No sense worrying. We enjoyed the quake also, especially watching our kitchen light sway.